Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Wearable Tech

Read this article and answer the following questions:

  1. What does the article say about Apple doing things better than any company in the world?
  2. Explain the three stages in the use of the internet along the time (at the beginning, in the late 90's and with the Apple wearables)
  3. Name four other companies that are selling smart watches
  4. Name the most ambitious example of wearables developed by Google and write the special term coined for people that wear them
  5. What does the Apple watch relies on to be controlled by the user?
  6. List some problems associated to be dependant on wearables
  7. What is the name given to phones with big screens and what company has succeed with them? Can the Apple watch work alone or does it need anything else?
  8. What does the article see as the next launch by Apple? Try to find a translation into Spanish.

Send your exercise to the usual email address.

Saturday, 20 September 2014

How to know what type of RAM modules we have in our computer.

Choose where to buy (US or EU) if, finally, you decide to use this shop.

Click on scan your system:

 Agree to the terms and conditions and download the scanner.

Double click on the downloaded exe file:

Wait a few seconds while the scan is in progress.

Send screen shots (to the usual email address) of the following outputs:

type of computer

memory slots

featured upgrades

Notice: After finishing, the exe file can be deleted.

Monday, 26 May 2014

Free hosting

For those who are having problems registering on Galeon, try this site:
Scroll down and choose the option to register:
Check your email (and the spam folder too!) for messages from Hostinger.
In class you will receive  instructions about how to:
  • create a subdomain (new password required)
  • operate the file manager

web page exercise

Create a set of web pages, using Kompozer, and upload it to Galeon (or Hostinger).
Include pictures, links, tables, etc. The main page has to be named as index.html.
Try not to upload  very big images (72 ppp would be enough).
To deliver this work - email a link of your web page to the usual account.

Deadline: 10 June 2016

Monday, 21 April 2014

SSL: Encrypting information over the Internet

Read this article:
and answer the following questions:
  • What is the name they have given to this new bug?
  • Write an example of when you can have security problems due to this bug.
  • What is the most reasonable action users must take immediately.
Send your work to the usual email account.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Inkscape work

Prepare a desing (it can be an application logo, a sign, etc.). The technical complexity will be graded:
gradients, layers, curves, etc.

You will have to deliver:
  • the Inkscape file (.svg)
  • a text document explaining the process that has been followed

Deadline: 20 April 2018

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Image retouching work

With Gimp, do an edit to any image you have. You will have to send two files:
  • the .xcf file from Gimp (or the equivalent program)
  • a text document explaining the process that has been followed: the tools used and all the intermediate images. Notice that every intermediate image generated during the work can be saved (with a screenshot, for example) using the Undo History menu; but once the work is saved, this History is lost (but layers are saved).

deadline: 16 February 2020

Monday, 3 February 2014

Ultra High Definition TV

Read this article:

and answer the following questions:

  • What resolution should a screen have to not distinguish the pixels from up close?
  • Pixels can be distinguished on low resolution images. Are there other factors that pixels can be distinguished on?
  • Calculate the exact number of pixels that a 4K TV set has.
  • Write the two codec names mentioned in the article.
  • What way (tv antenna, etc.) is expected to be the one for UHD contents to be received in the near future?

GIMP Download

To download this program, go to:

and click on Descargar Gimp

in the next page click on the appropriate link:
you can select the language:

Thursday, 23 January 2014


Create, edit and publish a film. Requirements:
  • length: 20 seconds
  • it must include at least an original clip of video (shot by you)
  • In the credits must appear the author, date, etc.

Software to use:
  • an installed program (Movie maker, for instance)
  • an on line service (Wevideo, for instance)
the resulting film must be as similar as possible in the two cases.

What to deliver (by email):
  • the resulting wmv file, as an attached file
  • the link to the film in Wevideo

Deadline: April 17,  2016

Notice: if you choose the stop frame animation technique, you just need to send the wmv file; (insert, at least, 4 fps).